Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Buy Mend The Gap: A transformative journey from deep despair to spiritual awakening by Mottram, Katie (ISBN: 9781781331118) from Amazon's Book Store.Pain that begins inside the ear is known as primary otalgia, whereas pain that originates outside the ear is known Ringing ears as spiritual awakening can mean two things depending on which ear of yours witnesses the high-pitched ringing.It is a spiritual awakening to realize our attitude and outlook come from within and that we have the capacity to adjust them when we make a conscious choice to do so.Advice: Put your ear to your heart and your discernment will follow. But at the same time, you feel chaotic and unable to focus. A feeling that you need to get your life straightened out–it feels like a mess. Emotional and mental confusion spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening. Ringing ears as spiritual awakening can mean two things depending on which ear of yours witnesses the high-pitched ringing. Keep in mind that ringing ears as a spiritual awakening are associated with a warning or sign from the spiritual realm.With swelling of nasal mucus membranes the openings from sinuses to the nose may be blocked, causing pressure, pain, headache, fever, and local tenderness. It may be a complication of an upper respiratory infection, dental infection, allergy, a change in atmosphere, as in air travel or underwater swimming, or a defect of the nose. Sinusitis is a swelling of one or more nasal sinuses.Tinnitus is a ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing or booming sensation in one or both ears (when no external sound is present) caused by an injury, infection of the ear organ, or a side effect of certain drugs, etc – it is pathological meanwhile spiritual ringing in the ears has no medical cause – it is manifested through a higher dimensional energetic experience as elucidated below.Listening to certain frequencies is a sign of spiritual awakening. The right ears are more receptive to external energies coming into your energy field. Ear pain can be "referred" pain, meaning it is actually coming from somewhere else but is felt in your ear.Ringing in the ears or feeling frequency changes. These often recur in the same area of the body (usually processing past life pain). especially in the neck, shoulder and back.

So, it is a necessary part of your expansion. A spiritual awakening is a natural way for your soul to evolve and mature.It is often a sign that you have clairaudient or clairsentient abilities, and are able to discern information from the energetic exchanges around you. The spiritual meaning of ringing in your ears is a sign that you are energetically sensitive, and aware of the subtle energetic shifts that are happening in your physical and etheric bodies.Essential oils are best known for their aromatic properties that not only please people’s smell buds but also result in mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits. Get The Spiritual Awakening 6-Pack Essential Oils for Spiritual Awakening Many cultures and religions use essential oils in their rituals, ceremonies, and healing modalities.